Never mind ‘starting up’ what about ‘finishing up’?

There’s always been a lot of talk about ‘starting up’ but not so much about ‘finishing up’ - knowing when to quit.

Have you heard of the ‘Sunk Cost Fallacy ‘? It’s our tendency to follow through on an endeavor if we have already invested time, effort, or money into it, whether or not the current costs outweigh the benefits.

This makes it hard to quit.

But then again, how many stories have your heard of people sticking with something and just as they quit some magic happens? (Going to do a post on why I think this happens other time!).

There is something to consider when deciding weather to quit or keep going:

Do you have an invention or a business?

An invention is innovation that needs some time to get the market fit right. Don’t quit - it takes a lot of testing, learning and failing to get this right.

A business usually is being replicated by another business in some way. If you are seeing success in others you can either fix what isn’t working or do something else. Maybe quit.

What would you quit right now if you weren’t afraid? 😬


Building Better Business: Interview with creative strategist Emma Sexton


Secret Leaders Podcast Episode