Is your 'magpie mind' too focused on the tactics rather than the business strategy? 🤔
It is easy and FUN to do the tactics, but it’s going to drain your resources, time and energy if you don’t have focus. I don’t want you to get to the end of the year wondering why you haven’t made any money….
Here is a share a simple way for you to keep focused and get smart with the creative ways to do the tactics. Answer these questions:
👉 How much money do you want to make this year?
For ease of numbers (and my mathematical ability!) Let’s say it’s £100,000…..wait a minute, we can do better than that, let make it a £1,000,000.
Now let’s look at your products and services….
👉 What do you sell and what is the average sale price?
So you are selling branding projects at £100k per project. Awesome. Well done you. We *just* need to find you 10 customers paying £100k each.
Tactics now? 👀 Nope.
New customers can be hard to find and convert (and most are not going to go from never working with you to spending huge sums of cash). So let’s look at your existing customers and previous customers.
👉 What are the opportunities with your existing and previous customers to do MORE work with them? (I call this ‘landing and expanding’.)
Let’s say you can probably get £500,000 of additional work from your existing 10 clients.
Now we know that to hit your £1 Million you need:
5 new clients spending £100k ✅
10 existing clients to spend an extra £50k each ✅
🎉 Now it’s time to think about tactics which need to consider:
Existing clients 🤔 What actions are you going to do to build relationships and seek out those extra opportunities?
New clients🏆 How are you going to get leads, build relationships and make yourself easy to buy?
Every time I do this with creative entrepreneurs they realise that their original tactics were going to make them FEEL like they were keeping momentum when in reality they were about to get really busy yet stay standing still.
Helpful? Let me know if these questions worked for you? Or perhaps you do something else?