Collaboration or competition?

I am a big fan of the forma and believe that in the global world we live in competition is a bit nonsensical for most SMEs.


We have access to 62% of the worlds population online, thats 4.9 billion people. How many people does the average SME need to be profitable and sustainable? Not THAT many.

So if someone says they are in competition with me I always think "well why would you do that?".

Why would you not seek to collaborate and find a win/win?

Why would you waste your time and resources doing something 'similar'?

I deliberately used the term 'similar' and not 'same' because we live in a world of brand, culture and community – it is impossible to completely replicate and copy these.

Let me say that again. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.

These elements are what create the difference.

These are the elements which will attract some to one business and some to others.

REAL collaboration is when I have done the best work of my life and had the most fun on the way.

Collaboration is much more fun than competition IMO πŸ˜†


Don’t be busy doing something that brings you nothing.


Is your 'magpie mind' too focused on the tactics rather than the business strategy? πŸ€”